Andrew Mondia has traversed numerous adventures, finding pleasure in connecting with the media to share his compelling story and offer insightful thoughts on diverse topics. Whether delving into the realms of acting or exploring other areas of interest, Andrew’s footprint has left an indelible mark in various spaces. Explore the links below to discover where his story has unfolded and, perhaps, stumble upon new additions to this impressive journey.


Email for booking information, interviews, and press materials requests.   

Print/Online Articles

Yitzi Weiner – published in Authority Magazine but also can be seen syndicated in Thrive Global, Buzzfeed, and several other publications.

Christopher Elliott – syndicated but first posted in

Meet Comedy Actor, TV Presenter, Voice-Over, and Entrepreneur, Andrew Mondia

Norm Goldman, book pleasures

Radio/Podcast Appearances

Very First Media Appearance

From the age of 14,  Andrew Mondia has started to appear in local newspapers.   

His first is a community production of one of his most treasured roles playing the lead in Pinocchio.    

Andrew Mondia has appeared in….